The Power of Drama

Drama builds self esteem, self worth and self confidence. Research has clearly shown that through drama children and young adults demonstrated positive results in multiple areas through participation in regular drama activities (Berry Mayall, 2004). Human beings are natural problem solvers however anxiety, fear, low self worth, stress and a variety of other characteristics limit the full expression of our abilities, particularly in interaction with others. We are often so afraid of failure that we can not take the first step towards getting what we want. Past experiences and negative messages encourage us to stay small and safe and not to rock the boat. Unfortunately, small and safe is not the epitaph of a life well lived nor even a happy life. We need to develop the tools and skills that allow us to step beyond our fears; we need to dig deep and find the voice within our own hearts that expresses for each of us our unique part in this life we live. And it is my experience and belief that we can achieve this together through drama.

We are all familiar with the famous Shakespearian quote, ‘all the world’s a stage’; and indeed it is. And on this stage we each play many parts. We belong and are involved in families, in communities, sports clubs, volunteering, schools, and work. We have many many aspects to our selves and we are consistently being stretched and challenged. The individual today must adapt to an ever changing world of insecurity, more so than in previous generations. In my experience I have found that drama offers a unique learning space to manage and engage with these life experiences. Drama provides the space within which an individual can test the waters so to speak without having the fear of a negative or challenging  experience. As such, many social issues and daily themes can be safely explored and options experienced. Through group interaction and the use of the imagination people of all ages find a voice they did not know they had and build essential skills such as assertiveness, communication, body language and emotional intelligence.

Relationships are central to happiness and well being; the entire experience of drama is one of collaboration and it therefore provides a unique and holistic space within which to build confidence and self esteem with others. There is no age limit to the need and desire to build these skills. They are natural elements of the human being and contribute to the individual’s overall health and well being. The only thing that limits us is our own fears so take that first step towards finding your voice and stepping into your life more fully; remember Drama is for Life.